I live most often in the mystical heart space – a place where I feel a deep union with the Divine. This is a daily part of my life, but it was not until recently that I found the words for this experience or understood how it related to me as a healer. 

My soul yearns to write, sing, and create art in exploring this union further. It has taken center stage and vastly improved my physical health as well. The more connected I am and allow myself to feel, the more my physical body and soul sing in harmony. Having experienced this connection, I can’t help but make this the medicine I practice.

This connection is most easily and deeply felt when I am immersed in nature. The sacred is infused in all of nature and within us, and harmony between the two begets health. Conversely, the more separated we live from nature and the more we attempt to conquer her, the sicker we become. Tuning in to the rhythms of nature help us amplify our body’s natural vibration of vitality and honors her flow within us. 

Spirituality and medicine have been separated in our modern system of medicine, and I truly don’t believe it has been for the best. The mechanistic model has its place, but it doesn’t have an answer for many of chronic health issues that are on the rise. There isn’t a pill to take or a surgery that will cure our disconnect from our true nature. 

We are spiritual creatures, and it’s time we honor that in medicine. This relationship is a uniquely personal one but is universally informed by the relationship we have with our own body. This relationship can be defined by awe, beauty, and love. Isn’t that what we all want? 

In order to have vitality and physical and mental health, we need a solid spiritual foundation. In order to have a fulfilling spiritual life, we have to have a loving relationship with our body because that is where we can listen most deeply. They go hand in hand.

We are just as much a part of nature as the birds and the trees, built to thrive in harmony with the natural world. But when we forget that and live out of tune, our health falters. 

Our body is a vessel designed to resonate with the vibration of vitality. Tuning into that felt sense vibration is a guiding force in moving towards the things that help us live in tune with nature. 

Our body is continually expressing the quality of our relationship with the Divine, which shapes the beliefs we have about ourselves in the world. I have found that the more in tune I am with this relationship, the more I can listen deeply and follow its subtle guidance. I am reminded that all is well, while more health and sustainable energy is invited back into my life. This is the wellspring of internal peace and vitality.

Developing this relationship is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessity. Modern life has us swimming in stressors on a daily basis, and we are not wired to function optimally with constant stress. Our response to stress (physical, emotional, and mental) are deeply informed by our relationship to the divine. 

Feeling held and feeling the universal love and peace of that sacred connection within is a powerful way to get through difficult times, and a powerful way to heal from trauma. Healing from trauma is an emotional AND body-based experience. It become even more central in my life after grieving the loss of both of my parents, who both passed suddenly within the past 4 years. Death and rebirth are a natural part of life, but that doesn’t make them any easier. In the wake of the death of my parents, my purpose has been (rather brutally) clarified and reborn. 

So many women are seeking this deeper connection in their journey towards health (and purpose). We know in our bones it is the natural next step in healing as our understanding of health evolves. I am here to hold space and guide other women in growing their sacred connection.